N-UNCOUNT (生物的)自然选择,物竞天择,适者生存 Natural selection is a process by which species of animals and plants that are best adapted to their environment survive and reproduce, while those that are less well adapted die out.
Natural selection ensures only the fittest survive to pass their genes on to the next generation. 自然选择确保只有最适应环境的物种得以存活下来,把基因传给下一代。
Natural selection ensures only the fittest survive to pass their genes on to the next generation. 自然选择确保只有最适应环境的物种得以存活下来,把基因传给下一代。
Darwin thinks that natural selection is the chief factor in the development of species. 达尔文认为自然淘汰是物种发展中的主要因素。
Again, differences between people and the opportunity for natural selection to take advantage of it have diminished. 人与人之间的差异和利用差异进行自然选择的机会再一次失去。
ANTIBIOTIC drugs are a well-known test of the idea of natural selection. 抗生素是对自然选择学说一个十分知名的论证。
I am convinced that natural selection has been the main but not the exclusive means of modification. 我确信自然选择是主要的但不是唯一的手段。
Natural selection is a process in which genetic changes that are helpful to a species survive and spread quickly. 所谓的自然选择是一个过程,在此过程中基因将沿着有利于物种生存的方向进化并且快速繁衍开来。
Whether speciation is achieved normally via genetic drift or natural selection is the subject of much ongoing discussion. 究竟正常的物种形成是通过遗传漂变还是通过自然选择达到的,是现在正在进行热烈讨论的话题。
But the context of natural selection defines the narrow limits of the argument that Friedman and savage developed. 但自然选择这个大背景,限定了弗里德曼和萨维奇所提论点的狭小适用范围。
Living creature adapting to its environment is one of natural selection's results. 生物对环境的适应,是自然选择的结果之一。
It's Darwin's principle of natural selection in action. 这是达尔文的自然选择原则的行动。
Mutation and speciation have usually been evolved responses to the environment and competition, with natural selection determining which new traits become widely disseminated. 通常,突变和物种形成的进化,取决于环境和竞争来,哪些新特性普遍传播则取决于自然选择。
Viruses have genes, can reproduce and are subject to the evolutionary pressures imposed by natural selection. 病毒有基因,能再生,需要应对自然选择的进化压力。
He concluded that these expressions evolved through natural selection. 他得出结论,这此表达方式经自然选择演变而来。
Natural selection hardly works among the rich and the poor. 自然选择在穷人和富人之间几乎不起作用。
Natural selection tends to maintain a mutation rate for maximal evolvability. 自然选择倾向于保持一个使可进化性最大化的基因突变率。
Natural selection has tended to reduce this randomization. 自然选择往往倾向于减少这种随机化现象。
Genomic studies of natural variation in model organisms provide a bridge between molecular analyses of gene function and evolutionary investigations of adaptation and natural selection. 在模式生物中的自然变异的遗传学研究提供了一个在基因功能分子分析和对适应性及自然选择的进化研究的桥梁。
A major implication of Darwin and Wallace's theory of natural selection is that all life forms, living and extinct, are descended from a single common ancestor. 达尔文和华莱士的物竞天择理论都蕴含一个主要的观点:即所有现存和已灭绝的生命形式都起源于同一个共同的祖先。
Nature grants long periods of time for the work of natural selection. 自然界允许极长的时期,给自然选择来进行它的工作。
His theory of natural selection is based on the principle of the survival of the fittest. 他的自然选择理论就是基于适者生存的原则。
A theory of organic evolution claiming that new species arise and are perpetuated by natural selection. 主张新品种在自然中物竞天择的有机进化论。
Natural selection is a slower process with man than with any other creature. 自然选择对人类比起对其他生物是个较为缓慢的过程。
"Natural Selection, entailing Divergence of Character and the Extinction of less-improved forms"( Charles Darwin). “自然选择,特性的遗传变异和进化较慢的形式的退化”(查尔斯·达尔文)。
In this case, natural selection would tend to add to the stature of the plant. 在此种情况下,自然选择就有增加植物高度的倾向。
Our results provided evidence of divergent evolution of congeneric orchids under natural selection. 我们的结果为同源兰科植物在自然选择下的趋异进化提供了证据。
Biology is driven by random mutations and natural selection. 生物进程基于随机突变和自然选择。
Variation within a species is the raw material upon which natural selection acts. 物种内部的变异是自然选择起作用的原始的生理现象。
It's Darwinian, the law of natural selection. 这是达尔文的自然选择规律。
The development of species was the result of natural selection. 物种的进化是自然选择的结果。
Financial history is essentially the result of institutional mutation and natural selection. 金融史实质上就是制度突变和自然选择的结果。